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French Bulldog

Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC
AKA: Bouledogue Francais, Frenchie

Living with a French Bulldog

Temperament: The French Bulldog is a well-behaved, adaptable, sweet, affectionate dog with an even disposition. They are typically playful, active, alert and curious.

Family Dog: The French Bulldog gets along well with people, dogs and other animals. They do alright with older children.

Shedding: The French Bulldog is an average shedder.

Grooming: The French Bulldog requires very little grooming. Regular brushing is sufficient.

Training: The French Bulldog requires strong leadership and will not thrive without it. If they are not given strict guidelines they may become willful. They need calm, firm, consistent training.

Weather: The French Bulldog prefers cooler climates as they are very temperature sensitive and prone to overheating which may cause heat stroke.

Exercise: The French Bulldog requires a daily walk. They love to run around in a fenced in area but that does not satisfy their urge to walk. Some French Bulldogs have higher energy levels than others.

Living Conditions: The French Bulldog is a great apartment dog. They are fairly active inside and do not necessarily need a yard.

French Bulldog Appearance

Appearance: The French Bulldog has an active, muscular appearance. They are a compact dog of heavy bone with a smooth coat. They have an alert, curious expression.

Size: The average height of a French Bulldog is 12 inches. This breed has two weight classes 19 to 22 pounds and 22 to 28 pounds. The weight of a French Bulldog should never exceed 28 pounds.

Companionship: The French Bulldog is a great companion dog but often form a great bond with one person above all others.

Head: The head of the French Bulldog is large, square and flat between the ears with a slightly rounded forehead. The French Bulldog has a well defined stop which causes a hollow groove between the eyes with heavy wrinkles forming over the nose.

Nose: The French Bulldog has a short, black nose with wide nostrils that have a well defined line running between them. The nose may be lighter colored in dogs with a lighter coat.

Eyes: The French Bulldog has dark, round, medium-sized eyes that are set low in the skull and wide apart yet, as far away from the ears as possible. They should appear neither sunken nor bulging. In dogs with lighter coats the eyes may be lighter in color. When the dog is looking straight ahead you should not be able to see the white of the eye.

Ears: The ears of the French Bulldog are known as bat ears being broad at the base and long with a rounded tip. The leather is fine and soft. They are set high on the head and spaced widely apart. They should be carried erect.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the French Bulldog is broad, deep and well laid back with well developed cheek muscles. The thick, broad, black flews hang over the lower jaw on the sides and meet the lower lip in the front covering the teeth. The lower jaw is square, broad, undershot and well turned up.

Neck: The French Bulldog's neck is broad and well arched with the characteristic hanging loose skin around the throat.

Body: The French Bulldog should have well distributed proportion making the body appear compact and well balanced. They have a roach back that falls slightly just behind the shoulders. It is short, strong and broad at the shoulders narrowing toward the loins. Their body is short and round with a broad, deep, well-ribbed chest with good tuck up.

Forequarters: The front legs of the French Bulldog are straight, short, muscular and spaced wide apart.

Hindquarters: The rear legs of the French Bulldog are strong and muscular. They are longer than the front legs elevating the rear above the shoulders. The hocks are well let down.

Gait: The French Bulldog has a double tracking gait with good rear drive and forward reach. The action should be free and vigorous.

Feet: The French Bulldog's feet are moderate in size yet compact and firm. They have compact toes with high knuckles and stubby nails. The rear feet are slightly longer than the front feet. The dewclaws may be removed.

Tail: The tail of the French Bulldog is short, low hung and tapering toward the tip. It can be either straight or screwed but should never be curly. The tail is carried low in repose.

Color: The coat of the French Bulldog can be brindle, fawn, white, brindle and white or and any color except solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, black and white, and white with black.

Coat: The coat of the French Bulldog is moderately fine, short and smooth. The skin is soft and loose forming wrinkles around the head and shoulders.

French Bulldog Facts

Category: Mastiff, AKC Non-Sporting

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy of the French Bulldog is about 10 to 12 years.

French Bulldog Health

Health: The French Bulldog is prone to eye and respiratory issues. Care should be taken not to let this breed become overweight. This could lead to breathing trouble due to a swollen abdomen. They tend to snore, wheeze and be gassy. Care should be taken around water as it has been said that French Bulldogs cannot swim but many owners have reported that they can. Many times pups must be delivered by Cesarean section due to the large heads of the pups. This is a high maintenance breed and you should expect high vet bills if owning a Frenchie.

French Bulldog History

History: The French Bulldog which originated in England was developed as a miniature version of the English Bulldog. During the 1860s, they were imported into France from Great Britain. There French Breeders bred them with French Terriers to create today's French Bulldog. When this breed was shown again in England, the English made an uproar about their name, since the Bulldog was an English Breed and a symbol of English culture.

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