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Japanese Chin

Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC
AKA: Japanese Spaniel, Chin
Mispellings: Japapnese Chin

Living with a Japanese Chin

Temperament: The Japanese Chin is an intelligent, charming and sensitive companion dog. Chins are affectionate towards its owners and reserved around strangers or in new surroundings.

Family Dog: The Chin makes a great family pet but is not recommended for families with small children because if its size and frailty. They are good with other pets.

Shedding: The Japanese Chin is an average shedder.

Grooming: The Japanese Chin has a lively and stylish gait where the front and rear legs move straight following the same plane of movement.

Training: Japanese Chins are more obedient than other toy breeds. They love to learn new tricks.

Barking: Chins are not known as barkers.

Weather: Chins are mildly sensitive to extreme temperature conditions.

Exercise: Chins do not need a great deal of exercise but should be taken on a daily walk. They definitely enjoy a nice romp in the yard during good weather.

Living Conditions: Japanese Chins make wonderful apartment dogs. They are moderately active inside and do not necessarily need a yard.

Japanese Chin Appearance

Appearance: The Japanese Chin is a small and lively aristocratic little dog. They have a well-balanced, square body with a distinctive Oriental expression. The Chin's tail is plumed and carried over their back with a slight curve toward either side. They have a soft, straight coat with a silky texture.

Size: The Japanese Chin should be between 8 and 11 inches tall at its withers. They typically weigh between 4 to 15 pounds.

Companionship: Japanese Chins are extremely loyal and devoted dogs.

Head: Japanese Chin's have an alert, intelligent and inquisitive expression. They have a broad head, short muzzle and large wide-set giving them their distinctive Oriental expression. The head is slightly rounded between the ears. The rounded forehead is very prominent. The cheeks are well-cushioned.

Nose: The nose of the Japanese Chin is short with wide nostrils. It is black in most Chins but may be self-colored in dogs with a red and white coat. It is slightly upturned and set level with the eyes.

Eyes: The Japanese Chin's eyes are large, round and dark in color. They are spaced wide apart on the face. They have a characteristically small amount of white that can be seen on the inner corners of their eyes.

Ears: The Japanese Chin has small, V-shaped ears that are set wide apart and slightly below the crown of the head. When the dog is alert their ears are carried forward and downward. The ears have a feathered look keeping with the rounded contour of the skull.

Muzzle: The Japanese Chin has a broad, short muzzle.

Teeth/Bite: The Chin has a wide, slightly undershot jaw. The upper lip is rounded and covers the teeth.

Neck: The Japanese Chin has a neck of moderate length and thickness. If is well set on the shoulders allowing the head to be carried upright and proudly.

Body: The body Japanese Chin presents a square appearance with its length approximately equal to its height. They have a compact body with a solid build and level top line. The check is moderately wide with rounded ribs that extend to the elbow.

Forequarters: The front legs of the Japanese Chin are straight with fine bones. The elbows are close to the body.

Hindquarters: The Japanese Chin's rear legs appear straight when viewed from the back. They are fine boned with a moderately bent stifle.

Feet: The Japanese Chin's feet are hare-shaped and point straight forward or have a very slight outward turn. The ends of the toes contain a slight feathering in mature dogs. The dewclaws may be removed.

Tail: The tail of the Japanese Chin is set on high on the back. It is carried over the back and flowing to either side of the body.

Color: The Japanese Chin may be red & white, black & white or black & white with tan points. Tan points include spots of red or tan over the eyes, in the ears, on the cheeks and around the anal vent area. The red coat includes all shades of red, orange, lemon and sable. They may have a white muzzle and blaze on the head but the marking should be symmetrical.

Coat: The Japanese Chin has a single, straight, abundant coat with a silky texture. The coat may stand out from the body, especially on shoulders, neck and chest. The coat on the tail is thick and forms a plume. The rump is covered in a thick coat and light feathering from hock joint to the foot that gives the appearance the dog is wearing pants. The entire head is covered with a short coat except the ears which are feathered. The front legs are covered in a short layer of fur that blends into the feathering on the back of the legs.

Japanese Chin Facts

Category: Toy

Life Expectancy: The Japanese Chin has an average life expectancy of up to 10 years.

Characteristics: The Japanese Chin is very independent and loves to be the center of attention. They make good watchdogs.

Japanese Chin Health

Health: The Japanese Chin, like other breeds with short noses, has a tendency to wheeze and snore. They also have a tendency to have eye and respiratory problems. Chins can also suffer from heat prostration or distemper.

Japanese Chin History

History: It is believed that the Japanese Chin is native to Korea but further developed in Japan and brought to Europe in 1700. This breed later became the favorite breed of the Japanese Court and was commonly offered as royal gifts. This breed had its defining moment when a pair of them was given to Queen Victoria by Commodore Perry after his trip to Japan to world trade in 1853. The Japanese Chin was called the 'Japanese Spaniel' until 1977 when it was renamed by the AKC.

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