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Lhasa Apso

Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CCR , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC , UKC
Mispellings: Lasa Apsa, Lasoh Apsoh, Lasso Apso, Lhaso Apso, Llasa Apsa

Living with a Lhasa Apso

Temperament: The Lhasa Apso is a happy and assertive dog but wary of strangers.

Family Dog: Lhasa Apsos make wonderful family pets but are typically suspicious of strangers. They do not do well with rough or misbehaved children. Some Lhasa Apsos tend to fight with other dogs in the house.

Shedding: The Lhasa Apso is an average shedder.

Grooming: The Lhasa Apsos coat does not need to be stripped or trimmed. When their coat is full, it should be brushed daily to keep from matting. If not being shown, the coat may be cut short for easier grooming. The Lhasa Aspo should be cleaned with a dry shampoo as needed. Their feet should be trimmed and checked for foreign matter. The eyes should be cleaned well and often as they tend to tear.

Training: The Lhasa Apso responds well to motivational training.

Barking: The Lhasa Apso has a loud, persistent bark.

Exercise: The Lhasa Apso should have a daily walk and play time.

Living Conditions: The Lhasa Apso makes a good apartment dog. They tend to be very active indoors and generally do not need a yard.

Lhasa Apso Appearance

Size: The Lhasa Apso should be 10 to 11 inches high at the withers with females being slightly shorter. The average weight is between 13 to 15 pounds.

Companionship: Lhasa Apsos are devoted and affectionate little dogs. They make great travel companions.

Head: The head of the Lhasa Apso is narrow in width with a marked fall away behind the eyes. The head is not flat but should not be domed or apple-shaped either. The face should be straight with good length. It should have heavy furnishings falling over the eyes, noticeable whiskers and beard.

Nose: The Lhasa Apso's nose should be black in color.

Eyes: The Lhasa Apso has medium sized dark brown eyes.

Ears: The ears of the Lhasa Apso hang like pendants that are heavily feathered.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Lhasa Apso is square in shape. Its length from tip to the face should be approximately one-third of the length from nose to back of the head.

Teeth/Bite: The Lhasa Apso should have either a level or slightly undershot bite.

Body: The Lhasa Apso's body is greater in length than in height. They have a strong loin and well-developed legs and thighs.

Forequarters: The Lhasa Apso's front lets are straight and covered with a thick coat of fur.

Hindquarters: The rear legs of the Lhasa Apso have thick, heavy coat.

Feet: The Lhasa Apso's feet are round and catlike having good solid pads. They are well feathered.

Tail: The tail of the Lhasa Apso should be carried over its back in screw. It is covered in a well feathered coat with a possible kink at the end.

Color: The coat of the Lhasa Apso may be any color but the most common are cream, gold, and honey with other color combinations including dark-grizzle, slate, smoke or brown, white & black. It is common for the coat to change colors as the puppy matures.

Coat: The Lhasa Apso's has a long, straight, heavy, dense double coat covering its entire body. The coat parts at the spine and lies straight down on both sides. The coat should be hard in texture, never woolly or silky. The hair on the head hangs over and covers the eyes. The beard and mustache should be dark in color. There is a thick coat of fur around the neck.

Lhasa Apso Facts

Category: Herding, AKC Non-Sporting

Life Expectancy: The average live expectancy of the Lhasa Apso is 15 or more years with some living up to 18 or more years.

Characteristics: The Lhasa Apso makes a great guard dog as their bark gives the impression they are much larger than they really are. They also have a very good sense of hearing. They do not like being left alone for very long and can become snappish if surprised or peeved.

Celebrity Owners: Herding, AKC Non-Sporting

Lhasa Apso Health

Health: This breed is generally very healthy but has a slight tendency toward hip dysplasia, kidney problems, eye problems and bleeding ulcers.

Skin Health: The Lhasa Apso can be prone to skin problems if their coat is not kept clean and free of parasites.

Lhasa Apso History

History: The Lhasa Apso is named after the sacred city of Lhasa in Tibet from where it originates. This breed was only bred in Tibet by holy men and nobles for at least two thousand years where they were used as watchdogs in temples and monasteries. They were considered to be sacred dogs. It was believed that when their master died, his soul would enter the Lhasa's body. They were also considered very lucky dogs that would bring good fortune to their owners as such they are virtually impossible to buy. The Lhasa Apso was often given to visiting foreign diplomats by the Dalai Lama. It was with his help that the Lhasa Apso spread to other countries. He would give them to visiting foreign diplomats. It wasn't until the 1920s when the Lhasa Apso made its way to Britain and the 1920s before it reached the United States.

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