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Dogs Home > Purebred Dog Bios > Arnold the Newfoundland

Arnold's Bio

joined 5/16/2009

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Arnold the Black Male Newfoundland / Stands Over 35 inches tall / Weighs 150 lbs / Born 10/3/2003 in Napa, California / Lives with mayalovesarnold in Bay Area, CA (United States)


N/A (Spay & Neuter Information)
N/A (Microchipping Information)
Goober, Mr. Arnold, Arnie
Came From
Laid back, mellow, happy, content, lazy, playful with new dog friends
Favorite Toy
My pillow
Favorite Hobby
Raiding the fridge, snooping inside my purse, stealing people food
Favorite Food
Cheese, half & half, yogurt, cottage cheese, beef jerky, beggin' strips
Favorite Treat
Favorite Trick
stealing the remote and running away with it; "freeze & free"
Favorite Place To Sleep
Next to me
Favorite Place To Play
Favorite Place To Walk
vacuum cleaner, piers, bridges, brushing his paws for foxtails & stuff
Arnold's Story & Details
I waited for Arnold for two years. All the breeders who had puppies had puppies that were already spoken for so when I found out that Karazan Newfoundlands had a puppy just for me I was THRILLED!!! I had been thinking of a name for a newf for a long time. The day I heard my good news, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced for governor of California. Arnold! What a perfect name for a large, lumbering goober drooler! So Arnold it was!

Arnold's Puppy Pad

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