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 Location:Meriden, CT (United States)

Purebred Dogs

Name:RubyView My Bio
Breed:Miniature SchnauzerView My Gallery
Age:17 years 8 months 13 days

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why does my dog eat weird things?

So I wonder why each time my dog eats strange things. She loves paper products..anything paper, gets shredded. Also, rocks. what's the obsession with rocks and drywall? I wish I got an answer when I ask her these things, but all I get is a funny look.

Read more blogs by Annmarie | Read more blogs in inquiries

Posted: 9/15/2010 7:48:02 PM

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mini shnauzers

mini shnauzers | Q & A

Posted: 9/15/2010 7:51:26 PM

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