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Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC , UKC
AKA: Carlin, Mops
Mispellings: Pugg

Caring for a Pug

Feeding: Care should be taken not to overfeed a Pug as they will generally overeat causing them to become obese and cause other health issues.

Living with a Pug

Temperament: The Pug is an even-tempered breed. They are outgoing and playful yet keep their charm and dignity at all times.

Family Dog: Pugs typically get along with other dogs, pets, children and visitors.

Shedding: The Pug is a heavy shedder especially during the change of seasons.

Grooming: The short, smooth coat of the Pug is easy to groom. They should be brushed with a firm bristle brush and bathed only when necessary. They should be dried quickly and thoroughly after a bath to prevent chill. The wrinkles on the face should be cleaned regularly.

Training: The Pus is a highly intelligent dog and gets bored easily with repetitive training. They are very sensitive to the tone of your voice and care should be taken to avoid harsh punishment.

Barking: The Pug does bark but is not considered a yapper.

Weather: Pugs are very sensitive to hot and cold weather.

Exercise: Pugs should be taken on daily walks. They enjoy playing and but take care not to over exert your Pug and stop if they start to wheeze.

Living Conditions: Pugs make good apartment dogs as they are relatively inactive when inside and do not need a yard.

Pug Appearance

Appearance: The Pug has an overall square appearance. The fawn or black body is muscular and compact with well knit proportions.

Size: The Pug should weigh between 14 to 18 pounds with an overall height between 10 to 14 inches.

Companionship: The Pug is a very devoted dog. They require lots of attention and have a tendency to get jealous if ignored.

Head: The Pug has a large, rounded head free from any indentations in the skull. The head is covered with deep, large wrinkles.

Eyes: The Pug's eyes are large, bold shaped like small globes. They are dark and lustrous in color giving the Pug a soft expression.

Ears: The Pug's ears are small and thin. They are soft to the touch like black velvet. There are two variations of ears common to the Pug, the more desirable "Button" ear and the "Rose" ear.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Pug short and square in shape.

Teeth/Bite: The Pug should have a very slight underbite.

Neck: The neck of the Pug is strong and thick with a slight arch allowing them to carry their head with pride.

Body: The Pug has a short, level back. The Pug's body is short and cobby with a wide chest.

Forequarters: The Pug's front legs are of medium length, straight and very strong. They are set well underneath the body with the elbows directly under the shoulders. The shoulders should be moderately laid back. The Pug's strong pasterns should be neither steep nor down.

Hindquarters: The hindquarters of the Pug are strong and powerful. The legs appear parallel when viewed from the rear. The stifle is moderately bent. The hocks are short and perpendicular to the ground.

Gait: When in motion the forelegs of the Pug should be well forward and appear strong. The feet should move squarely always facing straight forward. The hindquarters should move straight following the front and free from any twisting or turning of the joints. The feet may convergence toward the center as the speed increases.

Feet: The Pug has medium sized feet with well split toes and black nails. The dewclaws are generally removed.

Tail: The Pug's tail is tightly curled over the hip with a double curl being the best.

Color: The coat of a Pug can be fawn or black in color with clearly defined markings. The Pug should have a black muzzle and ears with black moles on the cheeks, a black diamond mark on the forehead and a black down the middle of the back.

Coat: The coat of a Pug consists of fine hair with a soft, smooth texture and glossy appearance. The coat should be neither hard nor woolly.

Pug Facts

Category: Mastiff, AKC Toy

Life Expectancy: The typically life span of a Pug is between 12 to 15 years.

Characteristics: The Pug is fun-loving and loyal breed. They are clever dogs and can be mischievous at times. They make great watchdogs. This breed tends to wheeze and snore.

Pug Health

Allergies: The Pug is prone to allergies.

Health: Pugs have a tendency to catch colds easily. Due to their short muzzle they also suffer from chronic breathing problems. They typically have to have Cesarean Section to give birth. They also suffer from keratites which is an inflammation of the cornea and ulcers. They also have a chance of Encephalitis or an inflammation of the brain. This typically affects Pugs between 2 to 3 years of age. There is no cure as the cause is still unknown.

Skin Health: The Pug is prone to skin problems.

Eye Health: The delicate eyes of the Pug are prone to weeping.

Pug History

History: The Pug is one of the older breeds. This breed was believed to have originated as early as 400 BC somewhere in Asia. Their origin is still the subject of some debate. Some experts believe the Pug was brought back to the Lowlands from the Far East by Dutch traders. There is a thought the Pug is possibly a descendant of a short-haired Pekingese. Another theory is that the Pug has resulted from the crossing a small Bulldog. Others believe it is a miniature form of the rare French Mastiff also known as the Dogue de Bordeaux. Pugs were kept as pets in Tibetan monasteries and later were brought to Japan. Later, the Pug then made its way to Europe, where they were commonly held as pets by the royalty of several countries. The Pug even became the official dog of the House of Orange in Holland because one saved the Prince's life by alerting him to the approaching Spaniards in 1572 at Hermingny. According to historic accounts, Napoleon's wife, Josephine, sent him secret messages hidden under the collar of her Pug while she was in prison. The Pug made its way to England after the British invasion of the Chinese Imperial Palace in 1860 where they discovered several Pugs and Pekinese. The Pug became officially recognized by the AKC in 1885. Today, the Pug remains a very popular companion dog.

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