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Xoloitzcuintli Breed Information


Recognized By: ACR , AKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , NKC
AKA: Xolo, Xoloitzcuintle, Mexican Hairless
Mispellings: Xolotzcuintli

Living with a Xoloitzcuintli

Temperament: The Xoloitzcuintli is typically a calm, tranquil, intelligent, loyal dog. They are naturally protective and aloof to strangers.

Family Dog: If properly socialized, the Xolo can be very good with children. The Xolo can tend to bond to one person above all others and is often referred to as a 'velcro' dog meaning they like to follow that person around and stay with them all the time.

Shedding: The Xolo sheds very little.

Grooming: The coat of the Xoloitzcuintli is very easy to care for. They need different things depending on the coat type. The hairless can be bathed monthly if needed and lotion should be applied after they are dry to keep the skin moist. In between baths they can be cleaned with a warm washcloth. The coated Xolo should be bathed only when necessary and brushed a few times a week.

Training: The Xolo is relatively easy to house-train and can learn new tricks very quickly.

Barking: The Xolo is not a yappy breed but will alert you when needed.

Weather: As with all hairless dogs the Xoloitzcuintli needs to be protected from extreme weather conditions. The hairless should wear sunscreen during the summer and may require a sweater during the colder months.

Exercise: The Xoloitzcuintli is a very energetic little dog who should be taken on daily walk.

Xoloitzcuintli Appearance

Appearance: The Xolo has a clean and graceful appearance portraying elegance and strength. They come in either the hairless or coated varieties which vary only in the coat.

Size: The Xoloitzcuintli comes in three different sizes. The Toy Xolo stands at least 10 inches at the withers and can be up to 14 inches tall with an average weight of 5 to 15 pounds. The Miniature Xolo stands between 14 to 18 inches tall with an average weight of 15 to 30 pounds. The Standard has a height ranging from 18 to 23 inches at the withers and weighs over 25 pounds.

* Note: The size variations listed above are based on the AKC. In Mexico the sizes are Miniature, Intermediate and Standard.

Head: The Xolo's head is wedge shaped when viewed from above. It is wide and strong gradually tapering toward the muzzle. The top of the head and muzzle should be parallel to each other. The stop is not pronounced. The Xolo has an intelligent and thoughtful expression.

Nose: The nose of the Xoloitzcuintli should be dark on dark colored dogs and can be lighter in color on lighter dogs.

Eyes: The eyes of the Xoloitzcuintli are medium in size and almond shaped. They should be neither sunken nor protruding. They can vary in color from a yellow shade to black. The rims may be lighter on light colored dogs.

Ears: The Xoloitzcuintli has large, expressive ears with a thin delicate texture. They taper to a rounded tip and are set high on the head and carried erect when alert.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Xoloitzcuintli is longer than skull. The jaw is strong and well-developed with thin, tight lips.

Teeth/Bite: The teeth of the Xoloitzcuintli should meet in a scissors bite. The hairless variety may be missing the premolars or some of the incisors. The coated variety should have a complete dentition.

Neck: The neck of the Xoloitzcuintli is long and elegant with a slight arch as it blends smoothly into the shoulders. As a puppy the skin on the neck may have wrinkles but by the time they reach maturity it should be free from any wrinkles.

Body: The body of the Xolo is slightly longer than it is tall with medium, oval shaped bone. The body should appear balanced, sturdy and strong with a level topline that has only a slight arch over loin. The brisket extends to the point of elbow with a deep and oval ribcage giving the body a rounded shape. The loin is muscular giving a smooth underline with a slight tuck up. The croup is well muscled, broad and slightly rounded.

Forequarters: The shoulders of the Xolo are muscular, long, sloping and well laid back. The upper arm should be equal or slightly longer than the lower arm placing the front legs well underneath the body. The elbows are firm and tight and should be kept close to the body. The legs are long, straight and parallel to each other. The pasterns are strong, straight and flexible but should never turn neither in nor out.

Hindquarters: The angulation of the Xolo's hindquarters should balance with the forequarters. The first and second thigh should be approximately equal in length with a proper angle placing the tip of the back paw directly under the rearmost point of the pelvis with a short, straight, perpendicular hock. The legs are straight and muscular with a moderately bent stifle.

Gait: The Xoloitzcuintli has a smooth and effortless gait with good reach and drive. The legs will converge underneath the body as speed increases.

Feet: The feet of the Xolo are hare feet, webbed, with well-arched toes. The pads are soft and thin. The nails should be dark on dark colored dogs and can be lighter on light colored dogs. The dewclaws may be removed.

Tail: The Xolo's tail is set low, long and fine. When the dog is in motion the tail is carried upward in a graceful but does not curl over the back. When the dog is a rest the tail is down in a relaxed position.

Color: The coat of the Xolo can be any dark, uniform color including black, gray, slate, red, liver or bronze. White spots and markings are permitted.

Coat: The Xoloitzcuintli comes in two distinct varieties the coated and the hairless. The hairless variety characterized by the absence of hair. They may have a small tuft of hair on the top of the head, the feet, and the last third of the tail. The skin should be tough, smooth and tight except for possible wrinkles on the head. The coated variety has a short, smooth coat.

Xoloitzcuintli Facts

Life Expectancy: The life expectancy of the Xolo is between 15 to 20 years or more.

Characteristics: The Xolo is becoming more popular as an obedience, agility and therapy dog.

Xoloitzcuintli Health

Skin Health: The skin of the Xoloitzcuintli is very hardy. Avoid over bathing or lotioning this breed as it can cause issues by stripping the skin's natural oils or clogging pores and causing acne.

Xoloitzcuintli History

History: The Xoloitzcuintli is one of the oldest and rarest breeds with history going back over 3,000 years where artifacts depicting this ancient breed have been found in tombs of Mayan and Aztec Indians. The Xolo was prized for its intelligence and loyalty. They were believed to have curative and mystical powers. Today's Xolo remains very much unchanged since those times. The earliest ancestors of the Aztec Indians brought these hairless dogs then called 'Biche', meaning naked, with them to Mexico from Asia. The Aztecs kept the Xolo as pets but also used them as bed warmers, food, sacrificial offerings and as a type of ancient hot-water bottle that would help alleviate certain aliments. The Xolo is native to Mexico and found throughout South America. By the end of the 19th century these dogs were kept mainly as pets.

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