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Afghan Hound

Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NKC , NZKC , UKC
AKA: Sage Baluchi, Baluchi Hound, Tazi, Afghanischer Windhund, Levrier Afghan, Lebrel Afgano

Living with a Afghan Hound

Temperament: The Afghan Hound is both a happy and proud dog. Afghan Hounds are particularly loyal, courageous and affectionate dogs.

Family Dog: Afghan Hounds will make great family pets for households with older children.

Shedding: The Afghan Hound is considered an average shedder.

Grooming: An Afghan Hound that will be shown should have a natural appearance. The coat should not be clipped or trimmed. A topknot of long silky hair should be left on the top of the head.

Training: Afghan Hounds need to be trained with a kind tone as they can be very sensitive dogs. Training is very important with Afghan Hounds as they need strict discipline.

Exercise: Afghan Hounds need plenty of time to run each day and enjoy long daily walks.

Living Conditions: The Afghan Hound is very inactive inside and need a house with a yard and room to run. This breed is definitely not recommended for apartment life.

Afghan Hound Appearance

Appearance: The Afghan Hound has a sophisticated appearance. The front of the body is straight with the head held high and proudly. This breed is known for its peculiar coat pattern, large hipbones and feet.

Size: Male Afghan Hounds should be 26 - 28 inches tall and weigh around 60 pounds. Females should be between 24 - 26 inches tall and weigh around 50 pounds.

Head: The head of an Afghan Hound's is long and refined. The prominent nasal bone gives the face a Roman appearance.

Nose: The Afghan Hound's nose moderately sized and black in color.

Eyes: The Afghan Hound's eyes are almond-shaped and dark in color.

Ears: The ears of the Afghan Hound are long and set even with the outer corner of the eyes. They are covered with a coat of long silky hair.

Muzzle: The jaw of the Afghan Hound is strong and powerful with the upper and lower jaw meeting evenly in the front.

Neck: The neck of the Afghan Hound should be relatively long, strong and slightly arched meeting nicely with the sloping shoulders.

Body: The back of the Afghan Hound should be level along its length. The height at the shoulders should be approximately equal to the length of the body.

Forequarters: The Afghan Hound's front legs should be straight and strong. The shoulders should be angled as to let the forelegs be positioned underneath the body.

Hindquarters: The rear legs of the Afghan Hound should be very muscular and powerful.

Gait: The gait of an Afghan Hound should be free and demonstrate great elasticity and spring in its movement. The strides should be both strong and powerful while maintaining a sense of style and beauty.

Feet: The feet of the Afghan Hound should be large and covered with long thick fur with arched toes. The feet should be straight with the body and turn neither in nor out.

Tail: The tail of the Afghan Hound should not be set too high on the body and have a ring or curve at the end. It should not be curved over the back.

Color: The Afghan hound can be any color or color combination free from any white markings.

Coat: The majority of the Afghan Hound's body is covered with a thick, silky coat of very fine hair. The hair on the ears and feet should be feathered. The coat covering the front of the shoulders and backwards along the saddle should be short.

Afghan Hound Facts

Category: Southern, AKC Hound

Life Expectancy: Afghan Hounds have an average life expectancy of 14 years.

Afghan Hound Health

Health: Afghan Hounds are known to have a low tolerance for pain and can suffer badly from only minor injuries.

Litter Size: Afghan Hounds usually deliver between 1 - 15 puppies in a single litter with the average being 8 puppies.

Afghan Hound History

History: The Afghan Hound is an extremely old breed. It is native to Sinai and was pictured in the Egyptian papyruses and caves of Afghanistan over 4000 years ago. It wasn't until recently that the Afghan Hound made its way to Europe where it was used as a hunter and watch dog. Most recently the Afghan Hound has become a pet in American and Europe.

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