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Recognized By: ACR , AKC , ANKC , APRI , CKC , CKC , FCI , KCGB , NAPDR , NKC , NZKC
Mispellings: Bullmastif, Bull Mastiff

Caring for a Bullmastiff

Feeding: The Bullmastiff tends to gains weight easily and should not be overfed. They are also prone to bloat and should be fed two or three smaller meals as oppossed to one large meal per day.

Living with a Bullmastiff

Temperament: The Bullmastiff is a devoted, alert guard dog. They are docile and affectionate, but fearless if provoked. They are intelligent, even-tempered, calm and loyal dogs who crave human attention. They should be extensively socialized with both people and other dogs at an early age and throughout their life.

Shedding: The Bullmastiff is a low shedding breed.

Grooming: The short coat of the Bullmastiff is easy to groom. It should be brushed with a firm bristle brush and bathed only when necessary.

Weather: Bullmastiffs can not tolerate extreme temperatures.

Exercise: The Bullmastiff needs a long daily walk.

Living Conditions: Bullmastiffs can life in an apartment provided they are sufficiently exercised. They are relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will suit them fine.

Bullmastiff Appearance

Appearance: The Bullmastiff is large, powerful dog, but they are not cumbersome. They should portray great strength, endurance, and alertness.

Size: A fully grown Bullmastiff stands between 25 and 27 inches tall with females being slightly smaller at 24 to 26 inches at the withers. Males weigh between 110 to 133 pounds while females tip the scales at 100 to 120 pounds.

Head: The Bullmastiff has a large, broad skull with a flat forehead and moderate stop. They have a keen, alert, intelligent expression.

Nose: The nose of the Bullmastiff is wide with large nostrils and black in color.

Eyes: The eyes of the Bullmastiff are medium in size and dark hazel in color.

Ears: The Bullmastiff has V-shaped ears that are set high on the head and wide apart. They are carried close to the cheeks giving them a square appearance to the head.

Muzzle: The muzzle of the Bullmastiff is broad and deep. They are typically dark in color and have many wrinkles.

Teeth/Bite: The teeth of the Bullmastiff should meet in a level or undershot bite.

Neck: The muscular neck of the Bullmastiff is slightly arched and of moderate length. Is is almost equal in circumference to the skull.

Body: The length of the dog from the breastbone to the thigh should be slightly greater than the overall height of the dog giving them an overall square appearance. The back is short, straight and level between the shoulders and the loin. The body is compact with a wide, deep chest.

Forequarters: The Bullmastiff has muscular, slightly sloping shoulders with straight, well boned legs that are set well apart. The elbows should turn neither in nor out. The pasterns should be straight.

Hindquarters: The Bullmastiff has broad, muscular, well developed hindquarters with moderate angulation at the hocks.

Gait: The gait of the Bullmastiff should be free, smooth, and powerful with the back remaining level. When seen from the side, reach and drive indicate maximum use of the dog's moderate angulation. The dog should move in a straight line when viewed from the front or rear.As the speed increases their feet should converge under the center of the body without crossing over.

Feet: The feet of the Bullmastiff are medium sized with round, arched toes, thick pads and black nails.

Tail: The Bullmastiff has a strong tail that is set high with a thick base tapering to a point. It may be straight or curved, but never carried hound fashion.

Color: The coat of the Bullmastiff can be brindle, fawn, or red and typically has black markings on the head.

Coat: The coat of the Bullmastiff is short and dense giving them good protection from the weather.

Bullmastiff Facts

Category: Mastiff, Working

Life Expectancy: The average life expectancy for the Bullmastiff is under 10 years of age.

Bullmastiff Health

Health: The Bullmastiff is prone to cancer, hip dysplasia, tumors, eyelid problems, PRA and boils on the lips. Like other large breeds, they are also prone to bloat and as such should be fed two or three smaller meals as oppossed to one large meal per day.

Litter Size: The average litter size for the Bullmastiff is 4 to 13 puppies with 8 pups being the most common.

Bullmastiff History

History: The Bullmastiff was created in England by crossing 60% Mastiff with 40% Bulldogs. This breed dates back to as early as 1795 but it wasn't until 1924 that Bullmastiffs began being judged. Bullmastiff were used as a gamekeeper's dog to track down poachers because they were fierce and threatening dogs. As the need for these type of dogs decreased the dark brindle color used for nighttime camouflage gave way in popularity to the lighter fawn colored dogs. Bullmastiffs make good hunting and watch dogs and aid in army and police work. Today they make great family pets.

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